Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ooooooooh Those AKA's!

Well as some of you know it's AKA Week here in the nation's capital. Thousands of Women have converged on my city for their Boule/Centennial........Short, tall, big, and small.... they are all here. They've had parties thrown by every male greek organization, and even those nasty nasty Miaka's are all over skee wee'n everywhere. The city has been painted pink n green.... BUT!!!! will these tourist bytches stop packing the metro and flooding the fuqqin streets. DAMMIT! I use the term "bytches" very loosely cuz I don't know them all by name. But I'm really tired of seeing these broads, they are everywhere like Brood X of them damn Cicadas! I swear this am on the train had to be the worst outbreak of AKA's ever. All heading down to their little march, old bitty's staring at me like I'm suppose to offer each one of you my seat at each stop.. No bytch, move to the center of the car. Then you got the Super AKA, the Neo who just happens to be from here, and has to tell all her SORORS when & where to go... On the train @7:45am. I think not! I'm glad you ladies are here but take your asses home please!

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