Thursday, November 6, 2008

Almost Foreclosed Fuqqery

This is gonna be a violent outburst type of post...I gotta get it off my mind though....Folks, Homeownership is great, I swear it is... But gott dammit, don't buy no house and live in that bytch for a little over a year and not have NO FURNITURE!! If you a grown ass man, I mean like 38ish you should have something in your living room, and kitchen....I personally like chinet, and the hood red cups from costco in a pack of like 6000, because I'm not washin no fuqqin dishes when the boys come over.. but dammit...NOTHING in ur living room. NOTHING, not even a airwick plug-in nygga.. come on! There's nothing u can tell me to make believe you doin it up nygga.. NOTHING! then send me pics from the party I missed and there's still no furniture, nygga didn't u have a housewarming, damn man....LOL! (maybe I'm not a true friend) this nygga don't have internet access let alone a damn computer to read this so i'm not worried, lol....

For all of my other friends that took time to get a futon, or a shelf system from ikea I salute you, cuz this nygga is awful....

My Name is Bruce Wayne & I Approved this message!


  1. Peoples priorities are in different places -- that does not make them wrong or right or you wrong or right. Live and Let live -- however furnitureless that may be....PUNK!

  2. you are such a nygga..... lol maybe the boi is jus saving up for some good furniture and dont wanna buy the cheap shyt... lol
